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Monday, 14 May 2012

Kick - Off

My name is Anouk Suntjens and I am studying Operations Management and Logistics (OML) at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Currently, I am preparing for my Master Thesis and part of this is setting up a blog. On this blog I will provide updates concerning my project and I hope to receive input, so everyone who has input/feedback/comments is welcome to give it/them. J

My Master Thesis concerns Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) for Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS); more specifically, I am going to look at (collaborative) annotating methods. CDSS already indicates the context for this research is the healthcare domain and MDE techniques can be used to generate applications (apps) from, for example, existing guideline(s). Annotating is the first step in this process: the important concepts need to be identified. Secondly, flow charts can be made and eventually apps. I am going to look at the annotating step and investigate the different methods and possible ways of collaborative annotating.

My project will be supervised by my mentor dr. Pieter Van Gorp, an assistant professor in the IS lab at the TU/e, who is part of the BPM and healthcare research clusters. Furthermore, I will collaborate with Dr. Pieter Kubben, a neurosurgeon at the Maastricht University hospital, who has already written several apps for neurosurgery.